Textured White Cotton Mask – Double R Brand - Dallas

Textured White Cotton Mask -

Look Great and Make a Real Difference. If you have to wear one, it might as well look great and feel good.  It is your face after all.  Ours is made from 100% double layered, high thread count cotton. (NON MEDICAL GRADE)  Washable and reusable.  One size fits most adults.

$20 from every mask order will be Donated to the North Texas Food Bank for our second series of masks. 


8: Look Great and Make a Real Difference. If you have to wear one, it might as well look great and feel good.  It is your face after all.  Ours is made from 100% double layered, high thread count cotton. (NON MEDICAL GRADE)  Washable and reusable.  One size fits most adults. $20 from every mask order will be Donated to the North Texas Food Bank for our second series of masks. 
Look Great and Make a Real Difference.

If you have to wear one, it might as well look great and feel good.   It is your face after all.   Ours is made from 100% double layered, high thread count cotton. (NON MEDICAL GRADE)  Washable and reusable.   One size fits most adults. $20 from every mask order will be Donated to the North Texas Food Bank for our second series of masks.





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