Tailored Shirt-Multi Purple Window Plaid Women's Button Up by Double R – Double R Brand - Dallas

Tailored - Multi Purple Window Plaid

5: This purple window plaid dress shirt features shades of purple from lavender to a deep plum against a white background. Lighten in up for warmer months with light colored shorts or jeans. Set it against jewel toned bottoms when colder weather strikes. The tailored cut fits you perfectly through the body and it is the ideal length to be worn tucked in or untucked. 
This purple window plaid dress shirt features shades of purple from lavender to a deep plum against a white background.

Lighten in up for warmer months with light colored shorts or jeans. Set it against jewel toned bottoms when colder weather strikes. The tailored cut fits you perfectly through the body and it is the ideal length to be worn tucked in or untucked.

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