Blue Mini Check Cotton Mask – Double R Brand - Dallas

Blue Mini Check Cotton Mask -

Look Great and Make a Real Difference. If you have to wear one, it might as well look great and feel good.  It is your face after all.  Ours is made from 100% double layered luxe cotton. (NON MEDICAL GRADE)  Washable and reusable.

$20 from every mask order will be Donated to the North Texas Food Bank for our second series of masks. 


One Size with Elastic Straps


Limited Edition.  In Stock. Ships within 24 hrs

7: Look Great and Make a Real Difference. If you have to wear one, it might as well look great and feel good.  It is your face after all.  Ours is made from 100% double layered luxe cotton. (NON MEDICAL GRADE)  Washable and reusable. $20 from every mask order will be Donated to the North Texas Food Bank for our second series of masks. 
Look Great and Make a Real Difference.

If you have to wear one, it might as well look great and feel good.   It is your face after all.   Ours is made from 100% double layered luxe cotton. (NON MEDICAL GRADE)  Washable and reusable. $20 from every mask order will be Donated to the North Texas Food Bank for our second series of masks.


One Size with Elastic Straps

One Size with Elastic Straps


Limited Edition.  In Stock. Ships within 24 hrs

Limited Edition.  In Stock. Ships within 24 hrs


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